K9 Hurricane - Retired United States Secret Service Emergency Response Team Tactical Canine

K9 Hurricane & Marshall Mirarchi guarding the White House grounds

Hurricane in London to receive the PDSA Order of Merit (seen around his neck in this photo)
K9 Hurricane and K9 Jardan awarded the Secretary's Award for Valor by DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson in recognition of their efforts to neutralize the White House fence jumper in 2014.
Marshall Mirarchi & K9 Hurricane

Life in retirement

Secret Service Dogs by Maria Goodavage

Hurricane and his favorite KONG toy

Hurricane and his PDSA Order of Merit
Hurricane in London to accept the PDSA Order of Merit

First Charity Event - Photo Courtesy of Erik Larson
M.Mirarchi and K9 Hurricane at the Jersey Shore

Another Day Working at the White House
K9 Hurricane's Heroes announces joining forces with Paws of Honor by donating 40K and sponsoring 24 retired working K9s. Photo Credit: Erik Larson
Marshall Mirarchi and K9 Hurricane visit the 911 Memorial in NYC

Marshall Mirarchi & K9 Hurricane in London for the PDSA Order of Merit Award

Fundraising Event. Photo Credit: Erik Larson

Pets from Dad - wearing the PDSA Order of Merit

In the work car

Animals In War And Peace Ceremony - March 9th 2022. (Left - K9 Hurricane USSS, Right - K9 Ziggy USMC MARSOC). Photo courtesy of Erik Larson

Handler Marshall Mirarchi, K9 Hurricane & USSS UD Asst. Chief Buck at March 9th 2022 Animals in War in Peace Ceremony. Hurricane is wearing the AWP Distinguished Service Medal. Photo courtesy of US. Secret Service Photographer Tia Dufour

Handler Marshall Mirarchi, K9 Hurricane & USSS UD Asst. Chief Buck at March 9th 2022 Animals in War in Peace Ceremony. Photo courtesy of US. Secret Service Photographer Tia Dufour

March 9th 2022 - Animals in War in Peace Ceremony. Hurricane was the first dog in history awarded with the AWP Distinguished Service Medal. Photo courtesy of US. Secret Service Photographer Tia Dufour

Hurricane in front of K9 Hurricane's Heroes Logo

Animals in War & Peace 2nd Annual Award Ceremony at the U.S. Capitol on March 9th 2022. Photo courtesy of US. Secret Service Photographer Tia Dufour

Annual Fundraiser in Sea Isle City NJ at VFW 1963. $175,000 donated to sponsor retired working dog heroes through the Paws of Honor Veterinary Care Program.

Founders/Volunteers Marshall & Lisa Mirarchi

M. Mirarchi & K9 Hurricane at annual fundraiser event